Mr. 420 Friendly
Dedication to the 420 Friendly movement.
The Mission is to facilitate the 420 communications by connecting with people who uphold our values
the Goal is to eliminate the stigma attached to Our Sacred Plant–Cannabis

Mr. 420 Friendly
High! I am Mr. 420 Friendly, but my friends call me Bud! How about that? I love to travel. I especially love to travel and stay at motels, hotels, Airbnb’s, and resort properties that are 420-friendly and provide a safe and discreet place to consume cannabis either for medicinal reasons or for adult use.
I've traveled so much over the last 10 years that I thought I would share with the world all the 420 connections and 420 friends I have made along my life journey. Moving forward please partake on my journey with me as we add even more 420 properties and 420 friendly business friends to our trusted network.
In the meantime, I am tending to my cannabis plants growing here in my home.
Puff, Puff, and Pass!

Melissa Zaun
Learning never ends. Experience is the lesson. Never Quit. Open Minded views have the best color.
I have been an Entrepreneur spirit with a Jill of all Trades experience as an adult. I have been in small business industries for 30 years. I achieved Sole Proprietor, Economic Development, Network Administration, and Business Marketing in my education.

Tyler Reif
Born and raised in the Black Hills.
A life long supporter of Cannabis Reform in the state of South Dakota.
I have a fond appreciation for the Cannabis plant. I am indebted grateful to all the advocates, patients, and organic gardeners on the long journey of Cannabis Reform. With their hard work we can continue to understand the value of Cannabis as Medicine.
Cannabis has presented me the path to Earth Friendly gardening knowledge.
It is my goal to help others understand an organic gardening approach.
Working with Mr. 420 Friendly has provided me with an opportunity to help further educate our friendly farming state about all the great potential Cannabis has to offer in all realms of our lives.
The Mr. 420 Friendly Code of Conduct
While staying at any 420 Friendly establishment
or participating in any 420 Friendly event
I will always conduct myself in a manner that is
I promise to honor all house rules and policies,
as defined by my host, including where
cannabis is allowed to be consumed.

Mr. 420 Friendly at your service!